We did it!
Rachel Gwilym raised £1,684 from 64 supporters
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Closed 01/11/2023
Iʼve raised £1,684 to help Melissa replace her gong after it was stolen during a car accident on Friday.
- Funded on Wednesday, 1st November 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Melissa is a beautiful music therapist who was recently on Tiree as part of the home care team.
Melissa travels everywhere with her gong, drums, singing bowls, ukulele, conch shell and guitar so that she can offer music therapy wherever she goes.
She gives of her music therapy skills freely - never asking for payment. On Tiree, she gave a wonderful gong bath on the beach and visited individuals for 1-1 treatments.
On Friday, Melissa was involved in a car accident and someone stole all her instruments, clothes and laptop.
It would be wonderful if we could raise some money for her to show her how much we appreciate her and help her replace everything she has lost.
- 1 year ago
Rachel Gwilym
1 year agoShare this update to help us raise more
Rachel Gwilym started crowdfunding
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Lisa 😊
Sep 11, 2023
Sep 6, 2023
Thank you so much for sharing your lovely gift with me :)
Aug 29, 2023
Dear MelissaGong and dharma love to you now and always.Kate 🙏🌞🌻
Jemma Jackson
Aug 28, 2023
Sending abundance in all forms
Joy Smith
Aug 28, 2023
Aug 28, 2023
With love, hon! X
Aug 28, 2023
Hope this helps a little Melisa. Xx
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