We did it!
Mark daniels raised £788 from 36 supporters
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Closed 18/05/2017
Iʼve raised £788 to Help to replace Marks stolen Motorbike.
- Funded on Thursday, 18th May 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
Last night Marks bike was stolen from his back garden in halfway. The gate was padlocked but they kicked it in. Im so gutted for him because its his only transport that enables him to see his family and friends and generally remain independent.
Mark is a man that just gives, never asks for anything in return and has so much to offer. This could not of happened to a nicer guy and there is no way he deserves to be treated in this way.
Please help to get to the target so he can replace his bike asap and regain his independence and so that he can continue to support and inspire others.
I have started this page to try and support someone that is constantly offering support to others.
If you know Mark then I am sure you would want to help, dig deep and support this truly deserving man.
Updates appear here
Mark daniels started crowdfunding
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Joanne Sconzo
Apr 24, 2017
Hope this helps Mark replace his motor bike! So sorry that someone stole it in the first place!
mohammed asghar
Apr 21, 2017
You have reached your target now 😃 Brilliant job Mark Daniels
Movell Dash
Apr 21, 2017
Although we've not met I'm told that you are one of the most giving people around so I'm happy to help you get back on the road so you can get back to helping others. All the best
Apr 20, 2017
Karlene Reid
Apr 20, 2017
Katie Robinson
Apr 20, 2017
Great idea, Mark. Please ensure Mark gets full insurance cover and a massive lock/disabling device for new one!
Shereen Ahmed
Apr 20, 2017
I'm sorry such an awful thing happened, wish I could not help more ❤
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