We did it!
Stop The Green Belt Grab team! raised £570 from 13 supporters
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Closed 29/12/2020
Iʼve raised £570 to Stop the Greenbelt Grab
- Gravesham
- Funded on Tuesday, 29th December 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Our beautiful fields could be turned into housing estates under proposals by Gravesham Borough Council. Across Gravesham a staggering 3,790 houses are proposed which would swallow up 21 areas of precious Green Belt. These include:
1,705 houses in Meopham and Sole Street across NINE green sites, 1,810 houses in Higham across SEVEN green sites, 275 houses in Istead Rise across FIVE green sites, These proposed homes are set to house an extra 9,000 people in this borough alone. WE MUST OBJECT TO THESE PROPOSALS NOW
Your donations will be used to fund the campaign costs. Any residues on this campaign will be used to oppose developments in the greenbelt in Gravesham.
- 4 years ago
Stop The Green Belt Grab team!
4 years agoWe printed and delivered leaflets to all the rural areas of Gravesham. We had banners made and erected them on roadside locations across the borough. Even the Council were impressed with the response to the consultation resulting from our campaign. Thank you to all who donated. We couldn't have done it without you! On behalf of CPRE Gravesham. Have a Happy New Year.
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- 4 years ago
Stop The Green Belt Grab team!
4 years ago* £550 raised through JustGiving page - Thank you all very much for your help. We very much appreciate your giving which has enabled us to print and promote the campaign * Rod Thompson has some placards for sale (similar size to estate agent boards), cost £10 or £12.40 with posts, buyer to collect from Rod Thompson (07814594040) * 8,000 flyers printed, less than 1,000 left - anyone need any more? * 6 large banners printed going up around Istead, Meopham and Higham * 3 letters written to GBC Noel on behaf of Alex CPRE Gravesham
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Stop The Green Belt Grab team! started crowdfunding
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Dec 10, 2020
Dec 4, 2020
Nov 28, 2020
The need to safeguard our countryside is the duty of everyone who values their environment, and to secure it for future generations!
Nov 26, 2020
Nov 25, 2020
Nov 25, 2020
Nov 24, 2020
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Stop The Green Belt Grab team!
Noel Clark is a member of the committee in charge of the fundraising page. See our website www.greenbeltgrab.co.uk for information.