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Alexandra Moulding raised £1,452 from 81 supporters


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Closed 26/10/2016

raised of £800 target by 81 supporters

    Iʼve raised £1,452 to Ship Oscars yellow wheelchair to Sophija in Bosnia and cover the costs of ongoing repairs and maintenance.

    Swindon, United Kingdom
    Funded on Wednesday, 26th October 2016

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Oscar and Sophija are 8 years old, they both have a rare type of congenital muscular dystrophy which leaves them with very weak muscles and unable to achieve any level of independent mobility. They are both bright kids who attend regular school and enjoy playing with their friends and little brothers.

    Only Oscar lives in the Uk and Sophija lives in Bosnia, this means Oscar gets an electric wheelchair and Sophija dosnt. They are not strong enough to operate a manual wheelchair themselves. Without an electric wheelchair it is not possible for them to join in with life independently.

    Oscars yellow wheelchair was funded by a charity several years ago and now belongs to him and his family. Oscar has now been provided with a new one so he would like to give his old chair to Sophija. It is a brilliant chair, it can travel up to 8km on one charge, goes very fast and also has a riser so the seat can go up and down, this allows Oscar to access different furniture, reach things and be on a level with his peers. He can join in sports at school and activities with his family without having to be pushed around. He can navigate the house and school on his own. He can play with his friends, this chair makes him COOL! His life would be very different without it. He would like Sophia to have the same opportunities as him.

    We would like to raise £400 to cover shipping costs to send Oscars yellow wheelchair to Bosnia for Sophija. But really We would like to smash that target so Sophia's family can keep up with ongoing maintenance, repairs and adaptations without any extra expense to them. They both have a curved spine due to muscle weakness and so seating will have to be adapted for sophijas needs.

    Children like Oscar are so lucky to have all they help they need given to them in the UK, things are very different for children like Sophija. Every child deserves the best. Please help us to change Sophija's life by giving her the independence and mobility she deserves.



    • Alexandra Moulding8 years ago
      Alexandra Moulding

      Alexandra Moulding

      8 years ago
      Update from the Page owner

      After several Delays and complications I am so happy to tell all our friends who donated to Sophies Wheels that the chair has now arrived and all funds have been transferred. As you can imagine it has been both exciting and emotional for all of us. Sophija is getting on great and enjoying her new independence, helping around the home and joining in. Its been so wonderful to do this for her and her family and it couldn't have happened without your generosity and kindness, thank you so much , from all of us, Alex (oscars mum) xxx

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Alexandra Moulding9 years ago
      Alexandra Moulding

      Alexandra Moulding

      9 years ago

      Thankyou to everyone who is STILL supporting and donating, arrangements are beginning to happen, hopefully it wont be more than a few more weeks . you are all such wonderful kind people, thank you so much x

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Alexandra Moulding9 years ago
      Alexandra Moulding

      Alexandra Moulding

      9 years ago

      Goodness me, people are so kind. Every time i look there is more, and its so moving to read all your messages of support and friendship, a big thank you to everyone from all of us x

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Alexandra Moulding9 years ago
      Alexandra Moulding

      Alexandra Moulding

      9 years ago

      THANK YOU SO much to everyone who has donates and help to spread the message. Your kindness and generosity is so gratefully appreciated and heart felt by both families, we are doing a wonderful thing together with your help.

      Share this update to help us raise more

    9 years ago

    Alexandra Moulding started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 10/26/2016 17.50



    • Jennifer Franklin

      Jennifer Franklin

      Oct 26, 2016

      Well done Oscar your very kind.


    • Wolfy


      Oct 19, 2016


    • Edgar Broughton

      Edgar Broughton

      Oct 13, 2016

      Well done Oscar! You are a star.


    • Colleen, Graham and Graham

      Colleen, Graham and Graham

      Oct 10, 2016

      Great idea. Well done for making it happen. xx


    • Anonymous


      Oct 8, 2016


    • Emma Holmes

      Emma Holmes

      Oct 7, 2016

      Nice one Oscar x


    • from 113

      from 113

      Oct 4, 2016

      Well done Oscar :)


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    Alexandra Moulding

    Alexandra Moulding

    Swindon, United Kingdom

    Hi, I am Oscars mum!

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