We did it!
Scott Nolan raised £1,425 from 71 supporters
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Closed 11/11/2023
Iʼve raised £1,425 to Help fund my friend after him and his son has had surgery , he donated a part of his liver to his son thats been suffering for 18 months now
- Funded on Saturday, 11th November 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Lucas was born on 2nd Jan 2022.
Healthy at birth, after 2 weeks we took him to our GP.
Our Gp referred us to our local Hospital who confirmed Lucas would need further testing in a specialist Hospital.
Lucas was admitted to Hospital, the Hospital confirmed he had a rare liver condition called Biliary Atresia and would require surgery as soon as possible.
Lucas underwent Surgery known as the Kasai Procedure on 2.2.22.
The Kasai procedure is usually the first treatment for biliary atresia. The Kasai procedure does not cure biliary atresia.
However, if the procedure is successful, it may slow liver damage and delay or prevent complications and the need for a liver transplant.
The earlier the procedure is done, the more effective it may be.
Unfortunately Lucas had several admissions to Hospital and has been treated for sepsis 6+ times.
Recently Lucas was treated in our Local hospital with Sepsis and was Blue Lighted across to the specialists in Leeds who treated him and advised he would need to undergo a Liver Transplant.
We were told the List for awaiting to receive a Liver Transplant is the longest it has been in years and advised that Living Donation is a route we could look to take.
Josh Lucases Dad opted to have tests to see if he was a potential match for Lucas. (Being a match can actually be quite difficult as certain criterias are to be met)
After Josh having tests luckily he passed every round and we found out he was a match for our son Lucas.
On 27th June 2023 both Josh and Lucas underwent surgery. The surgeons were able to replace Lucases Liver with a peice of Joshes Liver which will now grow with Lucas.
Lucas and Josh will now need to attend regular hospital appointments and take regular medication.
There is no promise that the transplant has been fully effective as of yet thats why they need to keep going for weekly bloods and scans.
Updates appear here
Scott Nolan started crowdfunding
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Oct 4, 2023
Wishing you health & happiness for the future. Great to see Lucas doing so well - you’re amazing parents
Charlotte Knaggs
Sep 19, 2023
Sending lots of love and healing vibes to you both! Your such an amazing family and I love you all loads 💗💗
Sep 19, 2023
Amazing family x
Rhiannon Robertshaw
Sep 18, 2023
My daughter was diagnosed with Biliary Atresia at 6 days old. We are now planning celebrations for Leroy's (the name we gave her new liver) 10th Birthday this year!!All the best for the future x x x
Jul 22, 2023
Jason Murray
Jul 22, 2023
Good luck to you all
Jul 22, 2023
From manchester get well soon both of you
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