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Independent- Vote For The Horton Hospital raised £280 from 11 supporters
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Closed 30/05/2017
Iʼve raised £280 to Help fund the 2017 Vote For The Horton Hospital election campaign by Roseanne Edwards as an independent candidate for Banbury constituency
- Banbury, United Kingdom
- Funded on Tuesday, 30th May 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
The touch paper has been lit for the unexpected June 8th General Election.
A group of the Horton’s most dedicated supporters feels that the Horton must be at the heart of the Banburyshire campaign, headed by an Independent "Vote For The Horton Hospital" candidate.
We are deeply concerned about
~ permanent loss of consultant maternity (& with it, C-sections, epidurals & emergency treatment for mums & babies), medical beds & intensive care from Banbury.
~ downgrading of A&E, the children’s ward & all other major acute services (2018)
~ Banbury patients being sent to Oxford, Warwick or Northampton for specialist care or in emergencies. Too far, too dangerous
~ the crisis in GP & primary care through defunding, affecting basic health care
~ introduction of rationing, top-up payments & an insurance-based system
~ the lack of serious action by existing politicians to address the consequences of STP (Sustainability and Transformation Plans) that are intentionally shrinking the NHS
I have agreed to stand as that Independent candidate to take the Horton to the forefront of this General Election campaign; to fight for the Horton’s reinstatement as a full district general hospital and against STPs.
The campaign team will produce an election Website, Twitter feed & Facebook page. I hope, whatever your political affiliations, you feel you can support our cause. This does not mean you need to vote for me though I would be delighted if you did.
We hope we can get national publicity for the area’s plight. With so little time, we are relying on donations. Would you would like to help?
The election cost will be c£2,500 including the deposit of £500 plus the cost of an election address, sent out to all properties in the constituency by Royal Mail, for free. We will also need a batch of A5, double sided flyers to distribute.
If you could contribute to this last ditch effort to save the Horton we would be extremely grateful. Thank you for your support!
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Independent- Vote For The Horton Hospital started crowdfunding
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May 20, 2017
Roseanne is running an altruistic campaign to save services at the Horton General Hospital. Local people will be the beneficiaries therefore she deserves the support of anyone who cares about HGH.
May 19, 2017
Penny & Oliver Ormerod
May 19, 2017
Go, Roseanne - you're doing a brilliant job. The silent, relentless dismantling of our NHS has been implemented with no parliamentary scrutiny, no evidence base and absolutely no mandate.
May 19, 2017
Good fortune, thanks for all your work, past, future and present.Maureen x
Christine Walker
May 17, 2017
The CCG are raising concerns about 'safety' at horton maternity unit that their own published data does not support. Care for stroke patients is worse now than before the bed closures were done.
May 17, 2017
By challenging the downgrading of the Horton and the huge loss of essential and life-saving services, you are also revealing the extent of this government's destruction of our NHS.Good luck!
May 16, 2017
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Independent- Vote For The Horton Hospital
Banbury, United Kingdom
Roseanne Edwards is a Banbury-based newspaper journalist, mother of four grown up children, and health services campaigner. With over 20 years' experience reporting on health issues, she has been a tireless campaigner for preventing cuts to the Horton General Hospital.