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Closed 23/06/2017

raised of £3,000 target by 0 supporters

    Weʼve raised £0 to help fund the running of Roehampton Rangers FC in the 2017-18 season. Without your generous support we cannot afford to run the club

    Roehampton, London
    Closed on Friday, 23rd June 2017

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Roehampton Rangers was established in 2008 by Mark Gough and runs a number of football teams for 6-18 year old boys. It's become a fun and exciting part of many of the boys lives but like any club it needs some income to cover the basic costs. Clubs subs bring in some money each season but not enough to keep the club solvent. In tandem with some other fund raising activities we are asking parents to donate a few quid to help keep the club in the black. We really hope that you can help us reach our target !



    Roehampton Ranger Football Club

    Updates appear here

      7 years ago

      Roehampton Ranger Football Club started crowdfunding

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      Page last updated on: 5/24/2017 12.48



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        About the fundraiser
        Roehampton Ranger Football Club

        Roehampton Ranger Football Club

        Roehampton, London

        Roehampton Rangers has become a great and well established club since being established in 2008 but it relies on the generous support of the parents to keep it going. Please give a few quid to help keep the club solvent. Thank you !

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