We did it!
Andrew Barrell raised £885 from 42 supporters
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Closed 31/12/2023
Iʼve raised £885 to A solo parachute jump to kick start support for a charity my Dad set up funding a school in Monze Zambia, opportunities for children.
- Funded on Sunday, 31st December 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
My dad has been visiting Monze in Zambia for at least the past 20 years. When he first went my son George wrote to him (well sort of as he was too young to speak) and we enjoyed hearing about him and his friends in Zambia. He initially went with a charity to help with local projects at a hospital and then at a school. The school was run by a wonderful woman Mrs Sianga who in particular was concerned about local orphans from AIDS. The school not only provided quality education but also somewhere that cared and a meal a day was provided.
Many children in Zambia have to work as the families are very poor and there are also many health problems in families. Pizz School is a lifeline for many. Many students have gone on since my dad started supporting the school to get better jobs and go to university. I want to go out with my dad soon but will raise money for now to support this great cause.
My first Solo Parachute jump will be on Saturday 7th October or Sunday 8th October. I am nervous but excited. I am funding this jump myself so 100% of money donated will go to the Charity Transformation Through Education which will fund this School in Monze.
- 1 year ago
Andrew Barrell
1 year agoYesterday I did a jump for Pizz School in Monze but didn't quite get the first jump right so obviously had to jump again. I attach a link to my second jump. Don't watch if of a nervous disposition. I still would like to aim for my £1600 target as this would mean all the uniforms requested could be distributed. Please tell others about this fundraiser. As soon as the uniforms are purchased I will let you know.
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- 1 year ago
Andrew Barrell
1 year agoFriday 10th November 2023 Looking Good 👍 Last month the weather was against me but tomorrow is looking better fingers crossed. Please share and tell any friends who might be interested in supporting this cause that my dad is involved in. The uniforms the money will buy will be a welcomed gift for the children and such an encouragement to the school. I am nearly half way with my target. I'd love to smash the target! 😁
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- 1 year ago
Andrew Barrell
1 year agoThank you all so much for your support so far. I will be transferring the money as soon as possible to the new charity account once it is up and running. I am still planning to jump in November. For now I am planning just to chill and to put the jump out of my mind. I will have plenty of opportunity to focus nearer the day. It's going to be a great experience and I will share some of that with you after the jump.
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Andrew Barrell started crowdfunding
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Nov 15, 2023
The video is really powerful, reminds me of the courage needed to actually let go and 'jump'
Nick Watson
Nov 14, 2023
Well done Andy, we lived in Zambia in the 80’s and recognise the need for support for this great cause.
Claire Wills
Nov 12, 2023
That jump looked terrifying! Well done Andy.
Nov 12, 2023
You've done it Andy - hurray - well done !
Dahling 😘
Nov 12, 2023
Rachel L
Nov 11, 2023
Well done Andy!
Marion Besgley
Nov 11, 2023
Well done Andy.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Andrew Barrell
Someone who has been so fortunate in experiences in life. I love hearing other's experiences and hearing wisdom. My passions are the theatre, travelling, adventure and new experiences. I love people watching and reading when I can get myself off tech.