We did it!
Victoria Fahey and Suzanne Stockbridge raised £172 from 19 supporters
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Closed 31/10/2023
Iʼve raised £172 to help us to supply our Early Pregnancy Loss Packs to NHS Trusts throughout the UK so families can receive something in memory of their babies
- Funded on Tuesday, 31st October 2023
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Our Angel Bears are a small group of Angel Parents who have suffered the heartbreak of Babyloss and want to support others going through the same pain.
We remember all Babies lost through Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, Stillbirth, Neonatal Loss, SIDS , Compssionate induction (TFMR) whether recently it’s many years ago.
We supply Early Pregnancy Loss Packs to 20 NHS Hospitals throughout the UK.
These packs are so families can receive something in memory of their lost babies no matter how early in the pregnancy they were sadly lost.
This helps families with their emotional recovery and mental wellbeing as it shows that their babies mattered.
We run Pregnancy Loss Support groups in person and virtually, where families can meet with others who have suffered pregnancy loss and who understand what they are going through and be mutually supported.
Our team have studied grief and bereavement counselling to be able to help the many families who reach out to us for support.
Our team have all suffered multiple losses so we do understand what you are going through and how much it hurts .
Our Angel Bears are always here for you
- 1 year ago
Victoria Fahey and Suzanne Stockbridge
1 year agoThank you to everyone who has donated to Our Angel Bears, all your donations make a difference and we really appreciate your support. This helps us to supply our early pregnancy loss packs to NHS Trusts throughout the UK, so families can receive something in memory of their babies no matter how early in the pregnancy they were sadly lost. Early Pregnancy Loss is often a taboo subject, we aim to break the silence of babyloss and remember all the precious Angel Babies gone too soon, we believe that all babies matter.
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Victoria Fahey and Suzanne Stockbridge started crowdfunding
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Valeria Cordineanu
Aug 7, 2023
Thanks for everything you are doing xx
Jul 29, 2023
Jul 28, 2023
Thanks for your support
Toni dwyer
Jul 27, 2023
Tammy collings
Jul 25, 2023
Alishia winman
Jul 24, 2023
You guys are doing such a great thing. As someone who suffered a miscarriage i Thankyou from the bottom of my heart.
Kerri harris
Jul 24, 2023
Amazing team great work as always
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