We did it!
Cristina Frezzini raised £349 from 2 supporters
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Closed 05/09/2017
Iʼve raised £349 to to support the NRIEF
- Funded on Tuesday, 5th September 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
*New page after the original raising £1,160 has now closed*
The Norman Rowe International Educational Foundation (NRIEF) is a subcommitte of BAOMS who aims to promote an International Educational and Humanitarian mandate aimed at developing and post-conflict countries.
Currently the NRIEF's missions have supported the restoration and development of the health and surgical care system of Nepal, devastated in the disastrous earthquake of 2015.
Our group of three trainees will brave a 3 day ironman to raise funds to sustain the upcoming missions.
Jimmy, Anand and Cristina will each do one of the legs of this three days iornman on the weekend of the 7th-9th of July 2017.
7th July - Jim will swim 3.8 km in open water
8th July - Anand will tackle the 180 km cycle (through hilly Wales!)
9th July - Cristina will run the 42.1 km of the final day marathon
We believe our cause is a good one, so please if you think the same we really appreciate any donations!
And if anyone wants to offer support on the day... join us in Wales!
Updates appear here
Cristina Frezzini started crowdfunding
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Al Mustafa
Sep 3, 2017
Good work
Dee Kumar
Aug 19, 2017
well done guys for doing this!! This donation was accrued through holding a DFT-1interview workshop for Sheffield 5th BDS students who donated towards the Normal Rowe Charity.
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