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D Kay raised £15,291.9 from 660 supporters


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Closed 21/12/2023

raised of £10,000 target by 660 supporters

    Iʼve raised £15,291 to raise funds to support Ian ‘Bomber’ Harris ongoing specialist cancer treatment in Germany walking 26 miles from Fowey to Plymouth on 03/10

    Funded on Thursday, 21st December 2023

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    On Tuesday 3rd October 2023, a group of mainly unfit individuals are pledging to walk the 26 miles from Fowey to Home Park, Plymouth in one day ahead of the evening game versus Millwall that day.

    In doing so, we are aiming to raise awareness of Bomber’s story and raise additional funds through sposnorship to support the very generous donarions already given to Kate and Bomber. Each trip costs £5000 and he will meed more than the intial 5 trips proposed.

    if you wish to join our journey to support Bomber on this day , please contact myself or Bomber himself for details. This will be no easy journey given the people marching. Please give generously to see us struggle and , more importantly , donate to a great guy and cause.

    Dan Kay

    Bomber’s Story

    Since mid 2020, I have experienced Similar side effects to IBS along with crazy stomach bloating like a balloon going off in the belly , high blood pressure and, in the last year, bleeding was found in my stools and black stools on occasion. I booked an appointment with my GP #staustellhealthcare.

    They told me my bloating was a diet issue and to cut things out of my diet, and keep a food diary. Fast forward to summer 2021 and I was told my stools were nothing to worry about even though my stomach was still really swelling up ! I had numerous blood tests, 2021 and 2022, but nothing picked up.

    Finally, at the beginning of December 22, I had chronic abdominal pains and went to doctors again and was told it was trapped wind ! I could take no more on the 4th day, now violently throwing up. I was rushed to hospital where I was told it was my appendix.

    After CT scan, I was led into a room where my whole life came crashing down in 1 second , being told I had an aggressive tumour that’s fit to burst in my bowel and they needed to do life-saving emergency surgery ASAP, but also the cancer had spread to my liver, making it stage 4.

    After 8 hours of surgery, they removed the cancer from my bowel and reconstructed it, then spent 4 days in intensive care and 12 days on the ward. I was a lucky boy to get through. They saved my life.

    Waking up the next morning and being told they had eradicated the cancer from my bowel, but unfortunately I now have to deal with my secondary cancer on my liver had 12 rounds of folfoxiri and after 5 rounds had stabilised my liver tumours but unfortunately after the full cycle of 12 rounds the cancer had grown. I also self funded a drug called Avastin on last four cycles along with other chemo.

    I Have now been given a tablet drug called longsurf this has made me very sick and horrible side effects but I want to explore all my options as this was the last drug the NHS. An offer but was told it will have very little or no effect , but after lots of research by myself and Kate we were delighted that Germany could give us another lifeline.



    • D Kay1 year ago
      D Kay

      D Kay

      1 year ago

      Less than two weeks to go . Thank you so much for the donations we’ve had Please support us on this walk for a fantastic cause for our friend

      Share this update to help us raise more

    2 years ago

    D Kay started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 11/6/2023 16.46



    • Gordon Walker

      Gordon Walker

      Nov 6, 2023

      Raised from sale of my original sporting watercolour cartoons that previously appeared in St Austell Voice to help boost this special fundraising


    • Sandra welch

      Sandra welch

      Nov 1, 2023

      Hope a little each helps....lets help if we can guys


    • Tucks


      Oct 30, 2023

      Pin badge sales


    • Jon and Ali

      Jon and Ali

      Oct 29, 2023


    • Rachel and kev devrill

      Rachel and kev devrill

      Oct 27, 2023


    • Matt Gray

      Matt Gray

      Oct 27, 2023

      Fanstastic work boys


    • Kipper


      Oct 26, 2023


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    D Kay

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