We did it!
Paul Keenan raised £2,143.62 from 46 supporters
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Closed 22/08/2016
Iʼve raised £2,143 to Send Kevin Galloway and family on holiday
- Funded on Monday, 22nd August 2016
Don't have time to donate right now?
Kevin Galloway and his family received news earlier year that no family wants to receive, Kevin was diagnosed with esophageal cancer.
Kevin's wife Leema and the boys, Max, Leo and Bailey then learned that the cancer had spread to the lungs, stomach and liver and bones. Kevin is currently being treated with chemotherapy.
Those of you that know Kevin know will no doubt be aware of his history in the Army and his role at DM Kineton, for those that don't here is some detail.
Kevin joined the Army in 1974 and served for 22 year including three tours of Northern Ireland as well as The Falklands, The Gulf, Cyprus and Belize.
Since leaving the Army Kevin has worked at DM Kineton. Currently working for Wulfrun Building Solutions as a plumber having previously worked with Serco, Seddons, & WTB. Those of us who have had the pleasure of working with Kevin know that his skills go far, far beyond plumbing. There isn't a door he can't open!
The purpose of this fund raising effort it to send Kevin and his family on holiday, something Kevin has been hoping to do for some time. The more we can raise the further we can send him - flying is no longer possible for Kevin so we're aiming for Lands End!
Anything you can give will help enormously.
Updates appear here
Paul Keenan started crowdfunding
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DM Kineton Central Mess collection pot
Aug 22, 2016
Aug 9, 2016
Geoff Leeks
Aug 8, 2016
Aug 8, 2016
Linda Coleman
Aug 5, 2016
Karen Barker
Aug 5, 2016
Mandy & Janet
Aug 5, 2016
Lots of love Mandy & Janet
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