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tehreem nisar raised £3,397 from 58 supporters
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Closed 24/05/2021
Iʼve raised £3,397 to In memory of Abdul-Haadi
- Funded on Monday, 24th May 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
1st of May would have marked my son Abdul-Haadi’s 6th Birthday, so to commemorate this day i have decided to hold a charity bake along with this page (for those wanting to just donate) all funds will be donated to Ross Street Masjid Project inshaAllah.
He was a child of Jannah & Allah took back what was his on 15th October 2018. Unfortunately, he didn’t get to see the near completion of the masjid he loved attending.
The money raised for this will all be in memory of Abdul-Haadi as sadaqah. So please dig deep and donate generously ❤️
Prophet (pbuh) said: Whoever builds a masjid for the sake of Allah, then Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise.
Sahih Al Bukhari 439. Sahih Muslim 533
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tehreem nisar started crowdfunding
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Farhat Mahmood
May 4, 2021
May 1, 2021
May 1, 2021
Miss Platt
May 1, 2021
Happy 6th birthday Abdul Haadi. Miss you more than you know 💕
May 1, 2021
I can’t imagine the pain you have had to endure. may Allah give you lots of peace and happiness in your lifetime in’sha’Allah.
May 1, 2021
May 1, 2021
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