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Friends of All Saints, East Horndon raised £22,394.72 from 1139 supporters
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Closed 30/09/2021
Iʼve raised £22,394 to historic church illegal rave: repairs, cleanup & security
- East Horndon, nr Brentwood, Essex
- Funded on Thursday, 30th September 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
The much loved Tudor church of All Saints East Horndon was sadly used for an illegal rave on New Year‘s Eve. Essex Police made arrests and seized equipment, but now a massive clean up is required after hundreds of revellers trashed the place and caused damage to the building.

The locks will need to be replaced as it seems an illegal copy was taken of the keys, a window was broken and used for an air extraction system, the walls have been damaged when blacking out the windows, and the electrics have been tampered with to power their equipment.

We are only a small group of volunteers who look after this beloved building and rely on donations to pay for the repairs that are required to the window, the door lock, the electrics and a massive deep clean operation.
In non Covid times the church is opened up for events throughout the year, such as open days and plays, and we hope to be able to get the church back in a presentable order this year so we can welcome people in again once we are allowed.

Astrid Gillespie
Friends of Al Saints, East Horndon
4 years ago
Friends of All Saints, East Horndon
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
4 years ago
Friends of All Saints, East Horndon
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
4 years ago
Friends of All Saints, East Horndon
4 years agoPlease follow our Facebook page, and also the Churches Conservation Trust who do such an amazing job in preserving these wonderful buildings for us and future generations. We also received this very special email (shortened to fit):: "I was deeply upset to hear of the damage caused to my friend Fr Paul’s Church by a group of people holding an illegal rave party. Can you please show that YOU care by making a donation, however small, to put All Saints back on its feet again. Lets make 2021 a Happy New Year. Terry Waite CBE"
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Friends of All Saints, East Horndon started crowdfunding
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Mar 13, 2021
Feb 5, 2021
Rob Saunders
Feb 4, 2021
Simply to help support keeping churches open to those who enjoy visiting them for what they are.
Feb 4, 2021
Best wishes for the repairs upgrade, and enhanced security following that horrific and selfish vandalism
Jane Lawson
Feb 4, 2021
Just seen this on London news. So upset. Carry on with your community building and good work.
Jan 24, 2021
What happened at All Saints church on New Year's Eve was thoughtlessvandalism by people who should take more care of themselvesduring these times of Coronavirus. Police handled the matter well.
Jan 22, 2021
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Friends of All Saints, East Horndon
East Horndon, nr Brentwood, Essex