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Sharlene Davis raised £1,637 from 76 supporters


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Closed 17/10/2016

raised of £750 target by 76 supporters

    Iʼve raised £1,637 to Help Lacey Mae's Mum & Dad who are unable to work while she is in hospital and are now financially struggling to make ends meet.

    Barry, United Kingdom
    Funded on Monday, 17th October 2016

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Lacey Mae is a bright, bubbly and adorable 4yr old. On 18th July she had emergency life-saving surgery to drain fluid from her brain. She was diagnosed with a benign brain tumour. Several major operations later, to remove the tumour, have shunts and drains fitted she is on the long road to recovery.

    The tumour severely damaged her optic nerves leaving her very little sight and she had a minor stroke leaving her left side temporarily paralysed.

    Last week she embarked on intensive physio. Once she regains enough strength, dreaded chemotherapy.

    Throughout the trauma, Lacey Mae has remained bright, bubbly and adorable.

    Her parents Rob and Donna, as parents do, have dealt with the emotional trauma remarkably well, but, have been unable to work while Lacey has been in hospital. She’s expected to be in for another 3 to 6 weeks so, little is likely to change.

    The generosity of friends and family only goes so far and unfortunately, doesn’t pay the bills. After all the financial help they are entitled to, they don’t have enough to cover basic living costs.

    Lacey Mae is still bright, bubbly and adorable, but, she’s worried.

    Mummy and Daddy don't have enough for the rent. She knows why Mum’s go to Iceland (to get sweets) but she’s worried Mummy might not have enough money to go to Iceland. She knows why Daddy goes to the Petrol Station (to get sweets) but she’s worried Daddy’s car might break, then he will have to walk to the hospital (to bring me sweets) cos I don’t like all the sweets the Doctors give me!

    I fibbed, It’s not really Lacey Mae who’s worried.

    So, will you help them please?

    £50 will pay their rent shortfall for a week
    £25 will put fuel for a week in the car
    £10 will help buy a hot dinner once a week in the hospital
    £5 will buy them a coffee once or twice a week
    £1 …that will buy me sweets ;-)

    Help Lacey Mae remain bright, bubbly and adorable.

    Please help her parents.

    Thank you everyone, one simple share means so much x



    • Sharlene Davis9 years ago
      Sharlene Davis

      Sharlene Davis

      9 years ago

      Sometimes, a simple "Thank You" is more than enough and at other times, those same words can feel so inadequate. Because of you, Lacey Mae is still bright, bubbly and adorable. She knows next week Mummy can go to Iceland, and the week after and the week after that. She knows Daddy can put lots of petrol in the car. So whether you gave hundreds or pennies, whether you walked yards or cycled miles, whether you drank coffee and ate cake, donated gifts or shared a page, every little helped. And to you, Lacey Mae says.. Thank You x

      Share this update to help us raise more

    9 years ago

    Sharlene Davis started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 10/15/2016 19.15



    • William G

      William G

      Oct 15, 2016

      All the best Lacey Mae & family, you lot are truly inspirational,proper troopers! And a very well done Dean the machine....keep going strong lad raising money doing what not many can do


    • Christine


      Oct 6, 2016

      Well done dean and good luck get well soon Lacey Mae sending you all the love and kisses


    • Matthew Brown

      Matthew Brown

      Oct 4, 2016

      Dean Ware you are a cycling legend - good luck


    • lewis


      Sep 29, 2016

      Get well soon Lacey Mae :-D good luck dean


    • Bike Bible

      Bike Bible

      Sep 29, 2016

      Bike Bible Sponsorship dude!


    • Peter Hammond

      Peter Hammond

      Sep 28, 2016

      Hope this helps a little


    • Nicky Brazel

      Nicky Brazel

      Sep 27, 2016

      Hope this helps out as much as possible :) Keep your heads up high, get well soon Lacey


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    About the fundraiser
    Sharlene Davis

    Sharlene Davis

    Barry, United Kingdom

    As well as being family, I am also very close friends with Rob, Donna, Lacey Mae and her 3 brothers.

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