We did it!
Project Hawick raised £2,000 from 52 supporters
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Closed 09/01/2016
Iʼve raised £2,000 to provide immediate funds for Hawick Flood Group
- Hawick, United Kingdom
- Funded on Saturday, 9th January 2016
Don't have time to donate right now?
The town of Hawick, Scotland, was recently faced with its worst flood levels in living memory. Hundreds of residents were evacuated to a local leisure centre and much damage was caused. Fortunately, not a single life was lost and this is testament to the warning, preparation and intervention of the Hawick Volunteer Flood Group. Sadly, they are in immediate need of fresh equipment and a permanent base within the town. With your money we aim to give them the support they duly deserve.
- 9 years ago
Project Hawick
9 years agoThank you one and all, from the very bottom of our hearts, for your generous donations. Hawick Volunteer Flood Group will benefit greatly from the money raised. You may also be contacted by the Flood Group at some stage, to express their gratitude. Keep up to date with future flooding alerts and news, via HFG on Facebook and Twitter.
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- 9 years ago
Project Hawick
9 years agoOver 21% of the way to reaching our target in just over two days. Fantastic effort from everyone who has donated so far!
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- 9 years ago
Project Hawick
9 years agoA fantastic day of fundraising yet again - thank you one and all. Please share this page on social media to help us spread the word about a great local cause.
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- 9 years ago
Project Hawick
9 years agoA most gracious thank you to all of today's wonderful donors. Every pound raised will make a great difference for Hawick Volunteer Flood Group.
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Project Hawick started crowdfunding
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Hendersons Travel
Jan 9, 2016
Keep up the great work, it's very much appreciated.
Bill Trimby
Dec 29, 2015
From a former resident of Duke Street
Dec 27, 2015
Dec 26, 2015
Dec 23, 2015
Member of Flood Group, but want to donate from my business Cut ' n ' Weed
Janet Forbes
Dec 23, 2015
Good luck with the good work
Dec 23, 2015
hopefully you won't need the equipment ……..but just incase
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Project Hawick
Hawick, United Kingdom
We are a community group based in Hawick, Scotland. During the recent floods, we provided alerts and up-to-the-minute news of events as they unfolded via social media. We also liaised with organisations throughout Hawick to ensure that requests for help and volunteers was met.