We did it!
simon watts raised £850 from 30 supporters
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Closed 17/05/2017
Iʼve raised £850 to Fund the Hartlepool Rugby Football Club (Old Boys) U13 team for next season
- Hartlepool, United Kingdom
- Funded on Wednesday, 17th May 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
HRFC is a purely voluntary organisation, and are constantly looking for partners to help fund the Under 13 (and other age group teams) throughout the season.
We are one of the few clubs in the NE who do not impose subs on the junior teams as we aim to make the club and the game available to everyone.
This in turn puts a lot of pressure on the club and its volunteers to generate sufficient funds to run the club at a successful level, and we therefore need as much help as possible
Anything you can donate will be gratefully received and 100% of your donation will go to the children.
- 8 years ago
simon watts
8 years agoThanks to David for our latest donation - lets see if we can break the £1000 barrier anytime soon......
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- 8 years ago
simon watts
8 years agoThank you Joe - much appreciated
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- 8 years ago
simon watts
8 years agoThank you Vishal - another milestone reached with your donation!
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simon watts started crowdfunding
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David Coning
Mar 20, 2017
Joe Mckeown
Mar 15, 2017
Good luck out there
Mar 8, 2017
Go Strong!As per "Samo's" request...
Andrew Percival
Mar 3, 2017
Good luck to the boys in Dubai....
Karen flounders
Mar 2, 2017
Good luck with your fundraising Simon 😃
Michael Samuel
Feb 27, 2017
This donation is on behalf of Ged McPartland who opted to give me the cash - so to ensure I don't forget & spend it on Irish Stout he we are! Cheers Ged!Sam...
Simon Marshall
Feb 26, 2017
Rugby tour. Awesome.
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