We did it!
Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods raised £20,223 from 327 supporters
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Closed 27/05/2016
Iʼve raised £20,223 to aid friends of Gledhow valley woods purchase a field threatened with development off Gledhow valley road Leeds for community use.
- Chapel allerton Leeds
- Funded on Friday, 27th May 2016
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The sale of a field next to gledhow valley woods gives us a fantastic opportunity to protect and improve the natural environment for everyone living in the area and future generations. A housing application for the land was recently turned down but we fear that people may buy it in the hope that planning permission will be granted at a future date.Some one else is interested in using it for light industrial use.These would have a severely detrimental impact on this green space in the middle of gledhow valley.The friends of gledhow valley woods who want to buy the field for community use work hard to protect the natural environment and promote public access.Lots of ideas have been suggested for the field including a wild flower meadow, wood land with picnic areas or a community orchard. But for now the main priority is to raise the money to secure the site for local people .Bids need to be submitted by Friday 22nd April so we have very little time.
- 9 years ago
Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods
9 years agoThanks to everyones great support we can now announce that FGVWs has successfully purchased the meadow for the community!The sale was completed earlier today.Sorry we were unable to let you know earlier. It just shows what an amazing community can achieve when it works together
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- 9 years ago
Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods
9 years agoThank you for your continuing patience. We are currently pursuing a number of options for ensuring that both of the fields are preserved for wildlife and community use.We will update you on progress soon.
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- 9 years ago
Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods
9 years agoA massive thank you to everyone who has donated. With on and off line donations we have reached our target and submitted a bid.we will let you know the outcome in due course. Any further donations will be used to pay legal fees if we are successful!. Many thanks you are amazing!
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Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods started crowdfunding
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Errol Murray
May 26, 2016
Embarrassed I didn't do this sooner
May 20, 2016
Apologies this donation is late!
May 20, 2016
No longer a Leeds resident but my friends live near and this is a great idea. I know you've made enough for the bid but will still need legal fees so here's a token.
May 18, 2016
May 7, 2016
As a local, I'm happy to help save an important part of this wonderful urban woodland.
May 5, 2016
Jonathan Jones
May 4, 2016
Good luck
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Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods
Chapel allerton Leeds
I am a member of the friends of gledhow valley woods and want to see the deer,foxes and other wildlife that lives in the field protected. Please help us. Every donation however small helps us reach our goal.