We did it!
Steve Dickson raised £685 from 35 supporters
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Closed 05/06/2017
Iʼve raised £685 to help raise money to get an eye gaze machine for a wonderful wee girl called Ellie. Ellie is 3 and has been diagnosed with Rett syndrome.
- Funded on Monday, 5th June 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
We are trying to raise as much as we can to help buy an eye gaze machine for a wonderful wee girl called Ellie. Ellie is 3 and has been diagnosed with Rett syndrome.
This machine will help Ellie communicate and will make a huge difference to her life and her family.
Please spare what you can as it all makes a such a difference.
We will both be running Edinburgh marathon at the end of may. Training is not going brilliantly but we will bothe make it round I am sure! That's about 52.6 miles between us.
Hopefully we can all put a big dent in the £12,000 needed to purchase this machine. Together we can all make a difference.
If we can hit £1000 between us Stuart will shave off his hair as well..... shouldn't take too long!
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Steve Dickson started crowdfunding
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Jane Renilson
May 29, 2017
Well done!
Zoë Williams
May 29, 2017
Well done big bro. Have worked with lots of kids who use eye gaze technology and it is incredible!
May 29, 2017
Claire Lappin
May 28, 2017
Well done to you both!! 👍🏼😊
John Wallace
May 28, 2017
Well done Steve. Great cause mate.
Chris Harrower
May 28, 2017
Good luck from all the Harrowers!
callum norris
May 27, 2017
Best of luck Stuart and Steve!
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