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Sam Mitchell raised £413 from 42 supporters
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Closed 27/09/2016
Iʼve raised £413 to I want to get together a reward to catch the owner of the dogs responsible for this vicious attack and also help the owner with vets fees
- Great Aycliffe, Newton Aycliffe, United Kingdom
- Funded on Tuesday, 27th September 2016
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We need to find the owner of two Staffordshire Bull Terriers that savagely attacked this puppy and it's owner in the Washington Crescent area of Newton aycliffe on Friday 26th August. The owner is described as 5ft 10 with stocky build and wearing glasses. He was wearing a stripy top. Attack happened at running track near woodham comprehensive. These dogs need to be found and the owner too, this can and will happen again and could be a small child as we have seen happen on too many occasions. Let's get a reward together to find this man. Someone knows him and money talks! We also need to help with this little dogs vets bills as its not fair that the owner is now having to find these. Please donate even just a couple of pounds as it will all add up. The reward will rise as the donations do! Please share this post and let's get this man found
- 8 years ago
Sam Mitchell
8 years agoJust a little update for everyone .. button is well and truly on the mend and the owners of the dogs responsible for the attack has been traced.. I've spoken to Buttons owner tonight and after the vets fees are paid there will be almost £200 left which we will be taking over to a local animal charity - Stray Aid in Coxhoe as we know all the money will be going directly to the animals. Thank you so so much for all the support and also to the person who donated money by taking it into Newton News!
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- 9 years ago
Sam Mitchell
9 years agoNearly at the £400 mark! Wow 😀 thank you all! So I have been to see the vets and Button is recovering very well, we have now covered the vets fees with over £100 to spare, the extra will be donated to a local animal charity nominated by the owner.... Thank you all for the donations and shares x
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- 9 years ago
Sam Mitchell
9 years agoUPDATE FROM OWNER: Police are following a very strong lead as we give more evidence regarding the owner of the dogs on Sunday night, there will hopefully be more information this week but I will keep everyone updated. Thank you everyone
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Sam Mitchell started crowdfunding
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Sep 21, 2016
Sep 7, 2016
Hope you find the people who did this to your pup, hope he recovers ok x
John Nelson
Sep 4, 2016
As a dog lover, I'm horrified by this I hope these donations help your dog make a full recovery
Sep 3, 2016
Karen Porter
Sep 1, 2016
We hope you catch the person responsible and you and your little fur baby get better soon - Karen and Kenneth x
Donna Inglis
Aug 30, 2016
Tracy James
Aug 30, 2016
I'm sorry it is so little... but I've shared this on my page too... I hope the pup is doing a bit better... please keep Facebook posted with progress and share it far & wide <3
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