We did it!
Tim Tate raised £1,005 from 33 supporters
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Closed 17/03/2024
Iʼve raised £1,005 to SAVE OUR COMMUNITY CABIN - WOOLSTON PARK some urgent repairs needed. Home to Bruche JFC, Friends of Woolston Park and Mental Health Mates.
- Woolston , Warrington
- Funded on Sunday, 17th March 2024
Don't have time to donate right now?
Our cabin needs some urgent repair/maintenance.There are holes in the exterior of the cabin, some new doors are needed and it will need painting once the repairs are done.
Home to Bruche Football Club, Friends of Woolston Park and Mental Health Mates
Bruche are a non-profit football club from age 4-open age. The cabin is the heart of our club where the children love to come after there match for a treat and tell us about there game, parents can get a warm drink while watching there children play football. We are supporting our local teenagers who are doing their Duke of Edinburgh, they are volunteering within our club.
Friends of Woolston Park are also a non-profit organisation who began as a small group of volunteers who assisted the Rangers with their work in the park. When the Ranger service was withdrawn, the volunteers formed a community association group. They maintain the park through regular litter pick to keep in pleasant and safe for all. They engage with local residents and park users which has created a lovely community spirit.
The young friends meet regularly for nature inspired activities, which develops their knowledge while having fun, some activities are making bird boxes, bug hotels and bird watching. They also help around the park to support the wildlife in the park.
Mental Health Mates are network of volunteer-led, peer support group that encourage people to walk and talk it is an opportunity for people of all ages and abilities. They meet regularly at Woolston Park cabin, then go for a walk and return to the cabin for refreshments.
The cabin is open to the whole Community, who like to pop in for a chat or visit the tuck shop, we have local dog walkers, children pop in for duck food before walking to the pond.
We are all volunteers working together as a team to continue to bring the community together.
Updates appear here
Tim Tate started crowdfunding
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Hollie Howard-Hildige
Dec 21, 2023
It's with thanks to Sean Casey and his academy that I have been able to make this donation, his academy has literally changed my life for the better both physically and mentally. Merry Christmas xx
Dec 12, 2023
Andrei R
Dec 5, 2023
Many happy memories here! Hopefully it can be saved!
Gareth Roberts
Dec 4, 2023
Mike Fenney
Dec 2, 2023
Matt barr
Nov 25, 2023
Nov 24, 2023
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Tim Tate
Woolston , Warrington
SAVE OUR COMMUNITY CABIN - WOOLSTON PARK Our cabin needs some urgent repair/maintenance.There are holes in the exterior of the cabin, some new doors are needed and it will need painting once the repairs are done.