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martin ford raised £6,625 from 66 supporters
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Closed 18/03/2017
Iʼve raised £6,625 to Buy life saving Equipment for the East of England Ambulance Community first responders volunteers
- East of england
- Funded on Saturday, 18th March 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
I am trying to raise funds for the community first responder team to buy life saving equipment to be used to save lives.
Each kit bag for a community first responder costs around £1500 and is a small price to pay to save a life.
The more kit bags we can buy the more Community first responders we can get out and about on call. No equipment means there are first responders out there not able to go on duty as you need a full kit bag to respond.
community first responders are volunteers who are trained by east of England ambulance service to attend certain types of emergency calls in the area where they live or work. Their aim is to reach a potential life threatening emergency in the first vital minutes before the ambulance crew arrives.
Their role is to help stabilise the patient and provide the appropriate care until the more highly skilled ambulance crew arrives on scene to take over the treatment.
Your donation will help fund buy vital life saving equipment that can help save lives.
Thankyou in advance for your donation.
- 8 years ago
martin ford
8 years agoThanks Dave winnard
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- 8 years ago
martin ford
8 years agoThanks lord barker
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- 8 years ago
martin ford
8 years agoHanks lyn your the first of many I hope
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martin ford started crowdfunding
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Pat and Les
Feb 24, 2017
From Pat and Les
Sanjay Nayar
Feb 23, 2017
Best wishes for a very worthy cause....way to go Ford's😊
Osborne Limited
Feb 20, 2017
Keep up the good work. From colleagues in One Team Wessex.
Sam Ford
Feb 18, 2017
Sam earnt this by doing a good deed for a neighbour and he is passing it forward x
Feb 15, 2017
robert bridle
Feb 15, 2017
Keep up the good work the Ford'sThe Bridle's.
Margaret fitt
Feb 13, 2017
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