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yvonne brown raised £130 from 9 supporters
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Closed 24/03/2017
Iʼve raised £130 to help fund an International Friendship Scout Camping Trip to Austria for 4 Scouts and 1 Explorer Scout from 1st Brora Scouts
- Brora, United Kingdom
- Funded on Friday, 24th March 2017
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International friendship is the theme of this proposed trip to a Scout Camp in Austria, Summer 2017. It is hoped that 4 Scouts and 1 Explorer Scout from 1st Brora Scouts will be able to participate in this trip where they will meet up to 1,000 other Scouts from all over the World. They will make friends with other Scouts which could last for many years to come. They will learn about other nation's ways of 'being Scouts', their customs, schooling, food and language. It will be a truly wonderful, international education!
Each of the Scout's families are paying over £600 each towards the trip for their individual children, however, that still leaves a shortfall of about £400 per Scout! In addition of travel costs from the far north of Scotland to Austria, and their accommodation costs for two weeks, it is hoped that the 1st Brora Scouts will be able to make a number of unique trips and visits whilst in Austria. The Troop are undertaking lots of fundraising events over the next 6 months but had the idea of crowdfunding to give them a little start - the tiniest amount raised will give them a wonderful base to grow from.
- 8 years ago
yvonne brown
8 years agoMany thanks to everyone who has donated to the 5 young people fundraising to get to Austria on their International Friendship Camp - every single penny is very much appreciated...
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Larissa Manning
Mar 13, 2017
Hope they do it 💗
Euan Murray
Mar 13, 2017
I had a great time in my Scouting days and an amazing experience the times we went to Austria. Have a great time.
Robin and Sally
Mar 6, 2017
Very pleased to support this extremely worthwhile opportunity.
Linda Ballantyne
Feb 28, 2017
Best wishes 😊Xx
Bill Brown
Feb 27, 2017
Hope they all have a great time!
Carole McCallum
Feb 23, 2017
William Macphail
Feb 22, 2017
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