We did it!
Melanie Desert raised £1,378.5 from 96 supporters
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Closed 01/09/2023
Iʼve raised £1,378 to Cycle 10,000km across Europe and the Middle East to raise money for suicide prevention among young people, in memory of our friend Darragh.
- United Kingdom
- Funded on Friday, 1st September 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Hey All ! I made a mistake with the old page and it has already closed, we have raised £3,500 towards our target of £5,000 + gift aid. We are nearly home. We have 1000km to go / 10,000km. And we'd hugely appreciate your support and sharing of this cause - the fundraising page link is still the same.
We are cycling for LIFE - in memory of one of my oldest friends, Darragh, who my wonderful friends and I lost to suicide last year. The hilarious, cheeky, brilliant-minded, Darragh, is no longer with us but we cycle with him in spirit and we want to help others from takjng their own lives.
W raising money for suicide prevention charities - Papyrus and SoBS. Suicide is the biggest killer of people under the age of 35 in the UK.
Papyrus is the leading youth suicide prevention charity and offers a free helpline, HOPELINEUK, for young people to access for support. S.O.B.S. supports families who have experienced this terrible tragedy through their bereavement and is chosen because it has supported Darragh’s beloved family through this heart-breaking time.
I know all of us think about Darragh most days, the last time we saw him, the depth of what he must have been going through not to be able to tolerate life on earth another day. And we think about Darragh’s lovely family who loved him so much, who must now move through this world without him. So, what I want more than anything is for families to be supported through tragedies like this and for other young people like Darragh to be guided through times of darkness, so they still feel there is much to live for.
Please support this extremely important cause by considering a donation and sharing widely.
Thank you 😊
- 2 years ago
Melanie Desert
2 years agoOld page -- money will carry over and be donated altogether at the endxxxxx
Share this update to help us raise more
- 2 years ago
Melanie Desert
2 years agoHey All ! I made a mistake with the old page and it has already closed, we have raised £3,500 towards our target of £5,000 + gift aid. We are nearly home. We have 1000km to go / 10,000km. And we'd hugely appreciate your support and sharing of this cause - the fundraising page link is still the same.
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Melanie Desert started crowdfunding
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Aug 31, 2023
Well done guys, great job xxxxx
Aug 31, 2023
Aug 31, 2023
Fiona Leonard
Aug 30, 2023
Helen Walton
Aug 28, 2023
John Hartley
Aug 27, 2023
Good work Mel , keep up the good work x
Tristan Telford
Aug 22, 2023
Its been so long but I have been thinking of you all the way and so happy for you! Can't wait to see you and celebrate life 🤩
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