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Alison Dougal raised £536 from 36 supporters
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Closed 04/05/2017
Iʼve raised £536 to Enable 5 students with physical disabilities and carers to go to NASA USA to complete their GOLD Duke of Edinburgh award residential section
- Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom
- Funded on Thursday, 4th May 2017
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Victoria Education Centre is a school for physically disabled young people aged 3 – 19. Many of our students have life limiting conditions such as Duchene Muscular Dystrophy and the majority are wheelchair users. At the school our philosophy is to ensure that their disabilities do not affect the opportunities that should be open to them throughout their short lives. Since 1998 we have been helping our students access Duke of Edinburgh. We strongly believe that our students should experience the scheme in the same way any non-disabled young person does. The values and life changing experiences have made a huge difference to many young people since 1998, many of whom sadly are no longer with us. Being able to get lost in a wood because you made a wrong turn, panicking because you forgot the matches to light the stove or just laughing about your adventure with friends as the sun sets are things that they would never have experienced without the scheme. We have never attempted Gold DofE before; but we are this year with 5 students who are very excited at the opportunity. We have been searching for some time for something accessible and fulfilling. Ensuring young people really feel the achievement and enormity that completing the Gold award is something that’s very important to us. We have the opportunity to do the residential section for Gold with NASA. The students will get to have an astronaut training experience; go to Kennedy space centre and Cape Canaveral; meet and learn from NASA executives; go to a theme park; get to look at the night sky through a giant telescope at NASA’s observatory and have dinner with an astronaut! It costs £1950 per person, which is fully inclusive of all costs. The students will also be doing fundraising and sponsored events to help fund the trip; but will also have the added cost of carers going with them. This experience will positively change their lives forever.
- 8 years ago
Alison Dougal
8 years agoWe have been really lucky with donations from companies and trusts, so we are really excited to let you know that we are half way to the target amount already - keep helping us with your donations, it really helps change lives :)
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- 8 years ago
Alison Dougal
8 years agoOne of the students who is doing his GOLD DofE, Robert, has been unwell recently, but knowing he is going on this trip has really helped him in his recovery.....get well soon Rob :)
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- 8 years ago
Alison Dougal
8 years agoThis weekend we are doing a 24 hour cycle ride on turbo trainers to help raise more funds for this trip. We need your support to help us keep going!
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David Malhi
May 3, 2017
Julia Foggo
May 2, 2017
Such a great cause and I am so pleased your donations are rolling in. I hope all have an amazing time and enjoy the fantastic experience.
May 2, 2017
Sounds like a fantastic cause. Enjoy!
Andrew Reeves
Mar 25, 2017
As promised, well done Colin "31 mile" Sutton. Good to see the grandparents doing their bit too!
Stewart Clark
Mar 22, 2017
Great work Guys!
Mar 20, 2017
John Glanville
Mar 16, 2017
Nice pics Matt, and 777 miles in 24 hrs ... no bad!! Great news on Jenson's progression. Opportunity for the children is 'one in a lifetime' - great stuff!
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