We did it!
Craig raised £5,002 from 493 supporters
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Closed 01/03/2016
Iʼve raised £5,002 to for a PLAQUE
- Havant, United Kingdom
- Funded on Tuesday, 1st March 2016
Don't have time to donate right now?
We would like to raise as much money as possible for a plaque and the remaining monies going to charity for the 39 bus stop cat. This poor cat which was loved by many who just sat on a seat on the 39 stop in Dunsbury Way Leigh Park. Loved to be stroked and have the attention it was the most trusting cat. For a few years it would just come along and sit and wait.
- 9 years ago
9 years agoA quick update. there are still 10 days to go before page will finish. Can not believe that so much money has been raised thanks to all. A bench with a cat carved into it will be made with a plaque put on it. All reaming money will be given to a charity to do with cats.
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- 9 years ago
9 years agoAfter new information, We have taken off the reward until we know more. All money raised will still go to a animal charity. Many thanks for all who have raised money.
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- 9 years ago
9 years agoWOW only been open 6 hours though the night and up to £268 many thanks
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Craig started crowdfunding
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Feb 29, 2016
Feb 26, 2016
Just had to round this up! A very, very, big thank you to Craig for caring enough to set this up so that we could all share our sadness at the loss of Missy, our lovely little bus stop cat.
Feb 19, 2016
It was a disgusting thing to happen
josephine morrish
Feb 17, 2016
wish I had known you missy and gave you lots of cuddles at the bus stop, - hope you knew of how much of a special, much loved cat to everyone, you was. x x
Lorraine Harman
Feb 15, 2016
No-one can hurt you anymore over Rainbow bridge! Rest in Peace Little Missy. Thank you for all your Purrs and Love xxxx
Feb 15, 2016
RIP, Missy.Never knew you. But your picture is enough to make me cry. RIP.
Feb 14, 2016
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Havant, United Kingdom
Just want to see some good done instead off the bad that seems to be coming from this story.