We did it!
Adam & Siân raised £7,574.61 from 273 supporters
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Closed 08/01/2021
Iʼve raised £7,574 to Help us as we join the efforts in tackling loneliness.
- New Brighton
- Funded on Friday, 8th January 2021
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Hey, us 2 Adam and Siân are going to take a plunge into any form of water every day of 2020! It will mostly be the Sea but will be anything we are close to - Lakes/rivers/waterfalls/large ponds.
The money we raise will go towards tackling problems of loneliness and social isolation within our community. Having a community focused coffee shop (The Sea Shanty) we have met so many people who are living alone and vulnerable. This prompted our further enquiry into the issues of loneliness and how we could begin to tackle it at whatever scale we can. In our search we discovered some shocking and heartbreaking statistics.
Loneliness can increase your risk of death by 29%.
1/2 million older people go at least six days a week without any interaction at all.
In the UK over 9 million people across all ages are either always or often lonely.
Over half of people aged 75 are living alone in the UK.
Where is the money going?
80% of the funds will go to Age UK Wirral. We have requested for the funds we are donating to be directly focused on tackling loneliness and social isolation within the local community of New Brighton, Wallasey, Seacombe and Poulton. Age UK Wirral provide community outreach, door knocking, meet ups, intergenerational projects, Christmas meals, etc. We think they are a great charity and meet the area of need that we had initially been responding to.
10% of the funds will remain within The Sea Shanty. This will be completely transparent and the funds are there to be utilised by anyone in the local community that requests support for a vulnerable individual. Over the previous year we had Homeless donations that enabled us to respond quickly and bridge the gap for vulnerable individuals needing immediate support, buying warm clothes, sleeping bags and sometimes even a night at the Travel lodge. We want to provide something similar for this cause too. We need volunteer led initiatives, we ask people to engage with your neighbours who are isolated and potentially lonely. We want to provide you with some funds to take them out for a brew and share some stories together.
10% will be used to create outreach packs that we will be posting out to our neighbourhood, included will be signposting to services and community spaces to encourage engagement - we will be looking for volunteers to help us with the hand outs.
We will also be supporting Age UK Wirral over the Christmas period at The Sea Shanty, providing a Boxing day Afternoon Tea for those who are isolated and alone in the area. Age UK Wirral are looking for volunteers who are willing to take up some of their day to deliver a meal and maybe have a little chat and share some festive smiles with people on their doorsteps.
Support us to reach out within our local community.
- 4 years ago
Adam & Siân
4 years agoThanks for our wonderful team of volunteers who we couldn't have succeeded on 5th Christmas event without. ☺️❤️
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- 4 years ago
Adam & Siân
4 years agoDip 287 today! Thanks for the recent donations everybody! Adam & Siân X
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- 4 years ago
Adam & Siân
4 years agoDip 272 - We have been abit quiet on our online presence as lockdown came we had to sneak our dips in, we are still going strong and are looking forward to those ice winter dips! :) A big thanks to all our donations old and new! We have changed our aim to a more realistic £5000. Hoping to do some fundraising events in the last few months! Adam & Sian X
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Adam & Siân started crowdfunding
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Erin White
Jan 8, 2021
Well done both :)
Jan 8, 2021
Ruthy x
Jan 8, 2021
Wow what a crazy soppy pair! Love you both. Well done on making it thru all the rubbish days when you didn't want to! And fond memories of finding random lakes in random fields to swim! Xx
Daisy Thomas
Jan 8, 2021
Well done Teleri and Adam! Very impressed you managed to keep that up, and you couldn't have chosen a more fitting charity, given the year we've had! xxx
Annie and Harry
Jan 8, 2021
Jan 8, 2021
Alex and Rach
Jan 7, 2021
Amazing achievement guys! Really inspiring
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