We did it!
George Thurstance raised £1,840 from 81 supporters
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Closed 01/09/2020
Iʼve raised £1,840 to Help support Bedford Hospitals NHS Trust & Bedfordshire Cricket
- Funded on Tuesday, 1st September 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
No Away Days? No Worries! 2000 Miles in 20 Days for Beds CCC
Seeing as there will be no cricket for a while, the Beds CCC squad have decided that they will still make the normal round trips to their home & away fixtures despite the current restrictions. In order to do this, we will be taking on the challenge of covering a combined 2000 miles in just 20 days! With a combination of running and cycling, the squad will amass 100 miles a day in the pursuit of raising valuable funds for our local NHS.
Like many people in these unprecedented times, the Bedfordshire County Cricket squad have experienced a disheartening postponement to the 2020 National Cricket Counties season. Whilst the squad are longing to get out onto the field, we are fulling understanding of the troubling situation many are currently facing. For this reason we felt it our responsibility to our local NHS heroes who have been working tirelessly and selflessly for the last few months. This subject hits close to home with many of our squad who have parents, partners and friends currently working on the front line for the NHS making this challenge even more important in their eyes.
The proceeds of the challenge will be split evenly between the Bedford Hospital NHS Trust and Bedfordshire CCC to support both the NHS heroes and the county cricket club during this period of financial insecurity.
Please join us in trying to make the smallest of differences to some of the biggest heroes in our area.
Updates appear here
George Thurstance started crowdfunding
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Jun 19, 2020
Jun 13, 2020
Diane Adams
Jun 12, 2020
Bosch Rexroth Ltd
Jun 4, 2020
Good luck to you all in your fundraising
Jun 1, 2020
Jun 1, 2020
Well done Richard 😊 Love from Tony& Amanda xx
May 29, 2020
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