We did it!
1919 Official raised £153.38 from 9 supporters
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Closed 23/04/2022
Iʼve raised £153 to Leeds Ukrainian Community Appeal
- Funded on Saturday, 23rd April 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
1919 and La Rissa are hosting a night of classic and contemporary gothic and post-punk music on April 1st, in aid of the Leeds Ukrainian Community Centre's ongoing fundraising efforts. From Polish and Ukrainian families respectively, members of 1919 and La Rissa have ties to neighboring oblast, and are keen to help the cause in any way possible.
For international fans and others who can't attend the concert, we ask that you make a donation directly to the cause here instead.
Leeds Ukrainian Community Centre have worked tirelessly to gather financial and material donations for displaced people and volunteer soldiers in Ukraine and western Poland, and their efforts have provided everything from sanitary products and winter clothing to night-vision goggles and satellite telephones. All proceeds from the event will go towards their continued efforts.
- 3 years ago
1919 Official
3 years agoHappy to confirm once again that we'll be joining The Ukrainians this Saturday at The Crescent Community Venue in York, alongside the excellent La Rissa. All proceeds from this event will be going towards The Ukrainians' ongoing efforts to support refugees. Meanwhile, we're keeping our own justgiving page open (below) to help the Leeds Ukrainian Community Centre as much as possible. Please share, donate, and come to the show if you can!!
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1919 Official started crowdfunding
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Francis Atkinson
Apr 2, 2022
Honour to be there, little extra from EP sales and myself.
Jeanne/George Wright
Apr 1, 2022
Good work guys
Jean C
Apr 1, 2022
Good luck guys. Have a great night.
Ben Bulow
Apr 1, 2022
Wish I could be there folks. Big love to you all for doing an amazing thing.
Alex Coates
Apr 1, 2022
Cheers for having us, and organising.It's gonna be a blast.
Ann Barrass
Apr 1, 2022
What a great initiative. Have a fab night!
Apr 1, 2022
Have a great gig guys!
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