We did it!
Sean Quinn raised £1,535 from 89 supporters
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Closed 28/10/2021
Iʼve raised £1,535 to raise funds for my local football team new Fordley Juniors and Mind Tyneside and Northumberland
- Hadrian’s Wall
- Funded on Thursday, 28th October 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
(84 Miles)Myself and Spook recently had a chat about mental health and how we could raise awareness and funds to support local charities and the 4-3-2-1 challenge was created! We are raising funds for 2 great causes by walking the length of Hadrian's wall with our 4 dogs!
4 Dogs
3 days(yes 3 days)
2 blokes
1 Wall
We’ll be raising much needed funds for 2 causes we care about. New Fordley Juniors and Mind (Tyneside and Northumberland)
Last year a good friend of mine took his own life as he struggled to reach out and talk about his problems. With Suicide in the North East rising we would like to help reduce this so every penny counts!
Having a local football club is a great place to allow people to come and socialise and get healthy which helps support mental health. With organisations like Mind and NFJ the 2 charities together can only help stop people feeling the need to take their own life.
It would be great if you can give as much as you can to help us raise our target for these 2 fantastic causes.
Sean & Spook x
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Sean Quinn started crowdfunding
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Joanne Vickers
Aug 18, 2021
Well done to you all!
Linda Kerry
Aug 16, 2021
Well Done
Leigh Foreman
Aug 7, 2021
👍🏻 Well done
Joe Caffrey
Aug 5, 2021
Margaret & Bill
Aug 5, 2021
Great work lads !!
Paul Bates
Aug 5, 2021
Superb effort. Great causes.
Sandra. And Simon
Aug 4, 2021
Well done big S
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
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