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Katie Keohane raised £70 from 9 supporters
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Closed 07/09/2021
Iʼve raised £70 to Donate to Tenby VC Church In Wales Primary, in honour of 100 Challenge for Captain Tom Moore
- Funded on Tuesday, 7th September 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Sir Captain Tom Moore, 100 Challenge.
Set by our primary school, my son aged 7 has decided he would like to be inspired by Sir Tom's efforts and in order to celebrate this challenge and wishes to walk 100 miles and raising funds for his school at the same time. We chose the school because due to the pandemic they have not been able to hold as many fundraisers as they usually would such as cake sales, competitions, fetes, discos and so on..
So Ronan, would like to raise at least £200 to give to his school to help them where they have lost and so they can use the money to help the children who suffered during the past 2 lockdowns, and if he raises enough with hope there can be a party if Lockdown rules allow.
Children all over have suffered mentally over the past 12 months and for some, school has been the only form of normality for them. So from the inspiration from a 100 year old British Army Officer to a 7 year old boy who has struggled this year, let's get the trainers out and get walking for a great cause and keep Sir Tom's memory alive.
- 4 years ago
Katie Keohane
4 years agoJust over 30 miles walked
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- 4 years ago
Katie Keohane
4 years ago97 miles remain
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- 4 years ago
Katie Keohane
4 years agoAnother 1.5 Mile completed tonight, on a VERY WINDY walk along the beach. As we walked we planned new long routes for the weekend to clock up the miles. Ronan has already raised half of his goal so far via his sponsorship forms and the donations on here, thank you!
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Katie Keohane started crowdfunding
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Jess McCaughan
Jul 8, 2021
Well done Ronan 👍 love Korben and Jess
Samuel Fecci
May 20, 2021
Great effort.
Anne Pönisch
May 17, 2021
Well done! You can be so proud of your efforts!
Owen Bowden
May 14, 2021
Well done 👏 100 miles is amazing! 🥇From Owen 🙂
Sara Mills
May 14, 2021
Keep going Ronan!
May 10, 2021
What you are doing is awesome! Well done lovely :)
May 10, 2021
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