Bear-Patrol are launching a new community fundraising project for The Sussex Beacon in order to purchase a new batch of collection tins for use in the local 'Community'.
The new tins are white in colour and will also include the New Logo which is due to be launched in April 2016.
We are asking community members to donate just £2 each which will cover the cost to purchase 1 collection tin for use in the local community. (photo of the new tin above)
As a group we are aiming to purchase a batch order of 500 collection tins which will help increase the amount of tins already circulated in the community.
If you would like to purchase a collection tin for The Sussex Beacon please click the donate button above and donate £2. If you would like to purchase more than 1 tin please amend the amount you wish to donate (i.e. 5 tins = £10)
We thank you for your support.