Your Water Innovators team will work together to deliver the three parts of the programme:
Propose innovative solutions to a real problem faced by the WaterAid team in Cambodia.
Your team will organise creative fundraising projects to raise more than £3000 to support WaterAid projects.
You’ll learn new skills and leadership qualities to bring to your workplace and beyond.
WaterAid Cambodia is a new country programme undertaking a range of pilot work; all funds raised will go towards the next development of their strategic aims:
- Transforming access to water, sanitation and hygiene for those hardest to reach in floating and flooded communities.
- Improving hygienic healthcare especially when mothers give birth.
- Improving hygiene and the health of Cambodians through improved handwashing.
Click 'Fundraise for campaign' to create your own fundraising page for a specific event or an activity that's important to you.
We can't wait to see what you'll achieve!
Thank you.