Thrombosis UK Research Appeal 2021
A key objective for Thrombosis UK is to support, promote, and inform research into blood clots - also known as thrombosis, deep vein thrombosis (DVT - blood clots usually formed in the legs), pulmonary embolism (PE - blood clots in the lungs) or venous thromboembolism, (VTE - DVT + PE).
The Thrombosis UK Research Appeal 2021 raises money that will be specifically used to support research projects into understanding more about the causes, prevention and management of blood clots (VTE).
Money raised for this appeal will be used to fund much needed research projects carried out in collaboration with leading UK and global VTE research teams. Every penny helps to make a difference into researching causes, prevention, treatment, and best management to help everyone affected by and living with thrombosis.
Please donate to this campaign. Thank you!