Since we were founded in 1976 theatres have changed dramatically and as a result our work focuses now not only on preventing demolition, but also getting much more involved in capital projects across the UK, in turn making theatres more sustainable for the future.
In 2017 we provided 106 different theatres with advice around viability and capital works and a record 205 further theatres benefitted from our planning recommendations. 30 theatres were awarded a total of £240,000 towards building refurbishments, and in October we provided expert advice and knowledge at our annual conference to 250 industry professionals about how theatres contribute to positive placemaking.
We continually work to ensure that theatre development has a lasting impact and the money raised from this campaign will continue to help us:
Provide expert advice and support relating to theatres’ viability,
Continue our Theatres at Risk programme, enabling us to provide advice and guidance to groups fighting to save their local theatres,
Help fund viability studies for theatres in need and at risk.
Develop our archive and theatres database to provide valuable resources to members of the public, industry professionals and students.
Deliver an annual public conference sharing best practice and debate.
Continue campaigning for theatres, providing a voice to communities across the UK.
This year we hope to raise over £5,000 to help theatres become more sustainable for the future.