On the 25th May 2015 Dan McAllister, an intelligent, sociable and seemingly happy Psychology student, took his own life at age 19. None of those that knew Dan foresaw it. Unfortunately this represents a hidden but surprisingly common situation in Britain today.
In 2013 male suicide accounted for 78% of all suicides, the biggest cause of death in men aged 20-45 in the UK (Source: CALM).
Many charities already support young men with mental health problems and those able to seek help. Yet many like Dan fall outside these groups and are not seen as at risk until it is too late. It is these men who SToRMS aims to help, by:
1)Promoting mental well-being from early age
2) Challenging gender stereotypes that prevent men accessing help
3) Facilitating widespread discussions about suicide
4) Highlighting the relationship between alcohol & mental well-being
1) Raising awareness
2) Additional teacher training
3) Focused work with pupils
4) Funding input from specialist charities