Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) exists to break the isolation of those who have lost a loved one to suicide.
Suicide is not just the loss of one precious life. It's the loss of that life that often devastates many other lives.
We currently have over 60 support groups across the UK, and we want to set up more. We are a small charity, run by Volunteers who are Survivors themselves and a small Head Office team. We want to have a group available to anyone over the age of 18 years who has been affected by the loss of a loved one to suicide. The long term aim is to have 100 support groups in total!
We also want to make sure the support we offer is as good as it can be, by being able to develop and train our current support group network.
SOBS wants to raise £50000+ to accomplish this goal. We need these funds to start up the new groups. To enable this to happen, we would also need to employ additional staff to ensure we have professional support for new and existing groups.