In 2011, the portraits of husband and wife Ellis and Mark Markendale were discovered in an out-building of a farm in Cumbria, literally rotting away, having not seeing the light of day for decades.
The Cumbrian farmer, a direct descendant of the Markendales, contacted the curator at Ordsall Hall as he thought that the portraits may have a connection with the Hall. The farmer donated the portraits to Ordsall Hall in 2012. Ellis Markendale (1790-1853) was painted in 1851 by the artist William Scott (1797-1862), who painted portraits of those with enough money to sit for him. He exhibited in The Royal Academy, London, and at The Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool. Ellis & Mary's portraits the only surviving, original paintings of Ordsall Hall's past residents in the Hall’s ownership.
Working with The Friends of Salford Museums Association, with funding from The Charles Hayward Foundation, we can now restore Ellis. We are seeking the funds to restore Mary & hang her next to her husband.