Imagine a world where you cannot hear the evocative call of the curlew.
Unthinkable but, this could become a reality in some parts of the UK if we do not take action now.
In Wales we believe there are less than 400 breeding pairs, and in Northern Ireland there may only be 250 pairs remaining. In short, curlews are in serious trouble and they urgently need your help.
Across the UK the number of breeding curlews has halved since the mid-90s. At the same time we are home to around a quarter of the breeding population so we have a global responsibility to do something to stop this rapid decline.
The RSPB is working with farmers, crofters, land-managers and other conservation organisations to help save breeding curlews Your generous donation will support our work to provide good quality habitat at sites where curlews can thrive. We cannot lose the call of the curlew so thank you for all your support.