UPDATE!Thanks to your donations, Juliana has been able to create her hub that produces period pads for her community. But the cost of maintaining this hub is ongoing, requiring materials, energy, and staff time. Any further donations will go a long way to maintaining the hub and ensuring it keeps going and Juliana's community can live in period prosperity!* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Since 2015, I have been providing period pads and menstrual hygiene training to women and girls in Barut, Kenya. Together with local organisations and NGOs, we have developed a solution to meet local demand for pads, helping girls stay in school, women go to work, and everyone stay healthy and secure.
Recent funding cuts to our partners have harmed the supply and distribution of menstrual hygiene products. Policies like the Global Gag Rule are blocking access to period pads for all the women and girls that need them.
I’ve seen the terrible impact of not having access to sanitary products. I know girls who have felt ashamed to go out in public. I know mothers who have had to choose between buying pads for themselves or paying schools fees for their child. No woman should have to make that choice. For too many, the lack of access to menstrual products means using crude materials resulting in health problems and social isolation. We have the power to do something.
There is a solution! Together with Raise the Roof, I want to create a hub for women and girls which will produce menstrual hygiene kits and distribute them across the region. Each kit includes 8 reusable pads, 2 pairs of underwear, 2 washable sheaths to hold the pads, soap, a small towel and an information card on menstrual health.
Your donations will finance a space, equipment and materials to produce these kits and keep up with demand. Once built, the hub will generate employment in the region and support hundreds of women and girls to realise their own potential.