The main activity is to raise funds to support schools by giving hem access to training places for teachers and the resources to deliver Zippy’s Friends, a year-long, whole-class programme which helps young children (5-7 year olds) to develop coping and social skills. It addresses issues such as anger, jealousy, communication, bullying, change and loss.
Through games, activities and role plays, children learn to find ways to: express anger or frustration without hurting anyone – or themselves; to find the words to say when they feel sad or scared – and the confidence to tell someone; and to work together to stop bullying or to befriend children who feel lonely.
Zippy’s Friends is now running in schools in 14 areas across England including the Zippy’s Friends West Midlands (seven schools in the Dudley area are running in 2016/17). Zippy’s Friends has been extensively and independently evaluated with consistently positive results. Children who take part show a significant improvement in their coping skills and the programme reduces bullying and improves academic performance.
Your donation will be used to fund resources, training, support and monitoring and evaluation and ultimately would lead to more children developing good coping skills.
The funding will be used to work in mainstream schools and special schools in new areas across the UK.