We are Moat (a south east housing association) and we turned 50 this year. We need your help to mark the occasion by raising £50,000 for five charities that we have a close connection with. Our five causes are outlined below:
Moat Foundation (our charitable arm) combats homelessness and unemployment, while developing strong, cohesive communities.
Centrepoint supports thousands of young, homeless people each year in London and the North East, helping them find homes and more positive situations.
Porchlight helps vulnerable, isolated people in Kent access support for everything from housing to healthcare.
Swale Action To End Domestic Abuse (SATEDA) offers support, advocacy and advice for victims of domestic abuse.
Children of Choba improves education and health prospects in the village of Choba, Tanzania. Some of Moat's people have visited Choba to help build classrooms and our Director of Neighbourhoods is a trustee of the charity.
For updates search #Moat50for50 on Twitter.