The Salya Medical Institute is based in a village of Simaliya and has approximately 76 poor villages surrounding it with a total population of 500,000. Many people are in need of charity and due to lack of money are unable to get the proper medical treatment required. Previously these areas did not have modern hospitals which could cater for them. They had go to cities like Surat, Vadodara, Ahmedabad or Mumbai for major medical problems which often has a very heavy financial burden on them. Even if they got treated in charitable hospitals, the expense of travel, lodging and boarding and followup visits became pretty exorbitant.
- Surgeries: (Hernia, Cataract, Appendix, GallBladder stones, Kidney stones, Prostate, Hysterectomy, etc.
- Treatment of diseases like : Malaria, Dengue,Typhoid, Flue, Jaundice, H1N1, Diarrhea, etc.
- Dialysis
- Vaccination : Small Pox, Chicken Pox, Polio,
- Major Surgeries : Joint Replacement, Burns,Cardiac, Cancer, Nephro, Neuro, etc.