Fancy fundraising for International Cat Care? We have come up with a fun new way you can raise money for us – by holding a 'Cat Cocktail Party'. We have developed a party pack designed to help you hold a fun feline event. These events are perfect for all cat enthusiasts and will work just as well hosted at home or within a vet clinic. The party pack includes a fun cat quiz, cat props, and nine delicious cocktail recipes, which include 'meowgaritas', 'mogitos', and 'pawstar martinis'! The parties are a chance to gather friends or clients for a fun evening which will raise all important donations for International Cat Care during our 60th anniversary year.
International Cat Care has worked for 60 years to create a different world for cats, where knowledge of health issues has led to vaccines, treatments and a desire to improve the care of cats in ways unrecognisable all those years ago. Now we wish to turn our considerable efforts to look at unowned cats, the welfare of which has not really changed a great deal in those 60 years. We believe the time is right to help unowned cats, and we have the expertise to help, treating the underlying causes and creating sustainable solutions rather than a sticking plaster on the problem. Find out more about how we aim to achieve this in 2018.
However, as we rely entirely on donations, we cannot do any of this without your help. Please help us help cats by hosting your own CatCocktail Party. You can order a part pack here.