Every moment in play is a moment away from the chaos and uncertainty of homelessness.
Children living in Edel House share a room and bunkbeds with their mother and siblings. There is no outdoor space for them to play and they are separated from school friends, which is especially hard during the long summer break.
We need to provide opportunities for the children in our care to get out of the shelter and enjoy playing and learning with their friends and peers. We need to ensure that during an episode of homelessness their lives experience as little interruption and trauma as possible and that these children can still be children.
For children, the impacts of homelessness can affect their entire future. Growing up with constant chaos and uncertainty, often in extreme poverty, can lead to poor health, low self-esteem, problems in school, alienation, and ultimately, as an adult, high risk of future homelessness.
€100.00 pays for a place on a camp for a child for a week.
Please help us to provide a happy summer for the children in our care here in Cork.