Group B Strep is a natural bacterium carried by 20-40% of women. It doesn't have any symptoms, and is unlikely to make an adult ill. Unfortunately, babies are especially susceptible to group B Strep infection and GBS is the most common cause of life-threatening infection in newborn babies.
About 800 babies a year develop group B Strep infection in the UK. Approximately 70 die, and 50 recover with life-changing disabilities.
Group B Strep Support works to raise awareness, educate health professionals about group B Strep, and support families affected by the devastation caused by group B Strep infection.
We have worked with experts at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to produce a leaflet explaining how to minimise the risk of GBS infection to your baby, including how to find out if you're carrying the bacterium.
National guidelines recommend that this leaflet should be provided to all pregnant women. We need your help to make sure this happens across the UK.
It'll cost £35,000 to print 750,000 leaflets - enough for every pregnant women in the UK - about 5p per leaflet.
A donation of just £10 could give 200 mums the information they need to protect their unborn babies.
So please make a donation to Group B Strep Support today, and help us protect those who can't protect themselves. Your donation could help save a life.
And, finally, please also share this on social media so more people hear about group B Strep - it's good to be #GBSaware.