Forever Angels Baby Home cares for desperately needy babies when they are most vulnerable. Our goal is for every child to be raised in a family - but interim care is essential for some orphaned and abandoned babies.
Caring for new born babies is costly in terms of staffing and the purchase of essential, but expensive formula milk.
We are trying to raise £25,000 to cover the cost of Formula milk for 2018.
This will provide life saving nutrition to the babies at Forever Angels as well as to over 75 orphan babies in the community through our Maisha Matters project.
Please can YOU donate YOUR birthday this year? Instead of gifts and cards and parties or celebratory meals - please ask your friends and family to donate to Forever Angels instead?
1 in 5 children in Tanzania will not survive to see their first birthday. One child at a time WE are changing that. Please donate your birthday so a child at Forever Angels can make their next one.