There are 4 million children living in the UK in poverty - that is 1 in 4 or 9 in a classroom of 30. But it doesn't have to be that way - if we can offer all children the same start in life. We would all benefit in a more equal society.
At First Days we want to be a leading voice in ending child poverty. We receive 150 referrals each month, from families who simply can not make ends meet. Without our service families and children would go without the most basic of items such as warm clothing, shoes or even beds and warm blankets.
You can help make a difference to the 1000 families we help each year, you join our event on 13th May 2017 where you call walk 10,20,30,40 or 60k or you can choose an event of your choice and fundraise for us.
The money you raise will help us continue to support local families living in poverty by providing everything they need for their young family.