For three hundred years a drystone wall has bisected the fort, preventing it from being fully appreciated from the ground. The aerial photo shows this clearly (thanks to the Trimontium Trust for permission to use the photo).
With the permission of the farmer and good weather forecast for summer we now have the chance to remove 150 metres of the wall and let the fort be seen in all its majesty, for the first time in generations and to the benefit of all our visitors, but we can only do this with your help……………
We have estimated the cost of the work to be £10,000. This will enable us to do the job, maintain an archaeological watch to find and preserve any Roman stones in the wall, use an army of volunteers to carefully dismantle the wall and remove the stone. The foundations of the wall will be left in place – after all, the wall has been a part of our landscape heritage.
We will also commission our archaeologist to write a report on the work and finds and provide refreshments and facilities for the volunteers.
This figure is well above what we can fund, but we have the opportunity now. Will you help us to ’deconstruct history stone by stone’ , reveal the fort and maybe find an altar stone from two millennia ago? £20 would enable us to remove approximately one foot of the wall and have it fully documented. All donations are valuable no matter how big or small.
Any donors who give their permission for their details to pass to us will have their names placed on a new page on our website thanking those who participated in the challenge as will any volunteers giving permission for this.
Joshua blew his horn and the walls of Jericho fell ….. please help us make the wall over Epiacum Roman Fort disappear.
We've extended until 9/9/18 for the last time as we still need funds. Please help.