The Ark Project is a bus we have converted into a mobile resource centre to be parked up in Town during the day as a safe place people can come to and get help for bullying, domestic abuse, depression, debt, substance addiction and housing issues and help for ex military. It has 10 beds upstairs & will double up as place for the homeless to sleep and get the help they need, It will convoy with an ex prison van that is being converted into a shower & toilet unit.... We plan to run the bus 365 but this is totally dependable on continued financial support in the form of corporate sponsors and charity funding grants.We understand people have drug and alcohol addictions and would like to offer those with such problems the help they need to beat the addiction, we intend on becoming a refuge for the lost and needy including sufferers of domestic abuse, and to become known as a place where people can get help, support, and guidance, together with a hot meal, change of clothes, shower, and a safe warm bed.Our goal is to bring the community together with love and a caring kindness not very often seen in today's busy commercialised world.
We will be offering counselling and social support, intent on getting to the root cause of the issues that caused them to become homeless, addicted, depressed... once identified we will put a program in place utilising the local support centres, and charities already well established in Reading.For serious drug alcohol addicts we will offer a FREE drug & alcohol rehab for those wanting to break free from their addictions, this will be supported housing in a Christian rehab which can last up to 18 months, transportation and financial support will be given to those that can show they are “fighting” to beat their addictions, If successful and when ready to leave the rehab we will offer a “next stage” support service, providing supported housing, employment and place in a loving, supporting church.